arts & crafts stores around the world
City Guides
- New York City
- Singapore
- Hong Kong
- Tokyo, Japan
- London, England
- Barcelona, Spain
- Madrid, Spain
- Florence, Italy
- Indonesia
- Paris, France
If there’s one thing I love about traveling is getting to visit and shop at many amazing art, stationery and scrapbooking stores all around the world. While I haven’t been as serious about visiting these stores on my travels in the past, I’ve recently decided to try my best to find all the cute shops to visit in all the different places I visit around the world. I totally wish I’d thought this up when I did my first Eurotrip back in 2012, but it’s better late than never!I hope to build upon this page in the future, so that it becomes the ultimate go-to guide to art, stationery and scrapbooking stores from all over the world. But for now, here’s a list of shops from some of my favorite places in the world that I know to be on top of any paper lover’s “to visit” list.Search the interactive map down below or specific city guides from the sidebar to your left.