July seems like it passed by in a total blur if I’m to be honest. Like, I feel like I haven’t been homes in days—that sort of blur. My temp job ended this week (sort of) and I just feel a lot lighter. I did agree to stay on for two more week at a part-time schedule to help train others in what I do there because we had some abrupt department changes, but I feel good about this decision. Full-time work just doesn’t work for me and that’s okay.
Anyway, despite feeling like I had absolutely no time for myself, I still found a few gems and moments of job is all the busyness. I managed to read THREE books this month after all. So here are a few things I found myself enjoying this month:

The Mysterious Benedict Society on Disney+!!! I’m so utterly excited about this show. It’s based on one of my favorite YA/Middle Grade book series by Trenton Lee Stewart. I didn’t even know Disney was doing a show out of it, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw it as a new release on Disney+. Of course, I watched it right away! Only four episodes have been released so far and the show is so good! It definitely has A Series of Unfortunate Events vibe to it—which I don’t remember the books ever having—but I can see why they would take that approach. But either way, it’ becoming a new favorite.
in my Summer Stories journal and participating in Junk Journal July. So I decided to try out the Junk Journal July challenge in this journal because I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had any time to make any sort of memories this summer to document in here. I figured these prompts would get me going in at least making a few art journal style pages…and you know, to document the little things. So far, I’ve been having fun with it. I haven’t done all of the prompts yet, but that’s okay. I’ll definitely take them into August to help jumpstart my journaling.

Signs Point to Yes by Sally Hall. Not the best book I read this summer—not by a long shot—but the better book out of the last two books I read. I gave this one 3 1/2 stars. It was cute. I also got through it really fast too. I’m just not a fan of Sally Hall’s books. While this one was better than the first one I read of hers, it still left a bit to be desired. It was simple and cute. The parent dynamics were frustrating and weird, but compared to the other two books I read this month, this one was good.