I’m actually really sad that April is over and we are now in May. This year has literally been flying by and I don’t feel like I’m making any sort of progress as I had hoped I would.
To be honest, I’m just not feeling very me right now. I’m missing someone I love dearly so much every day and the sheer heartbreak of the situation is all I can deal with at the moment. To add to that, I’ve been struggling to find a job in the field I really want to be working in. All of my other intentions for the year really hang on the securement of employment, so if I don’t manage to get that, then I can’t really look forward to achieving everything else. I guess you can say that I’m at a very low point in my life right now. Everything fell apart at the same time and I’m just trying to stay afloat.
I’m waiting patiently for the silver linings though. Meanwhile, here are a few things I enjoyed this month:

Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith. What can I say about it? It’s a super cute Jennifer E. Smith read if you’re into cute YA romances. This one had a Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight sort of feel to it. Makes me want to travel by train cross country with a cute British stranger. Fun read! I gave it four stars.
The Adam Project and Red Notice on Netflix and Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series on Disney+. had a long night watching Ryan Reynolds with my mom. Both The Adam Project and Red Notice were really good. I think I liked them both equally. I’ve also been slowly working my way through the SEVEN seasons of The Clone Wars, only because I want to be “in the know” when it comes to the new live-action series coming to Disney+.

Listening To
A lot of Ed Sheeran. I’m very much in a mood. Listening to Ed’s music has been really cathartic lately. A lot of his songs are just super relatable right now. I forgot how much I loved his Songs I Wrote With Amy EP. One of my favorites from before he was famous. I loved it back then and love it even more now. Fire Alarms will always be my favorite song, but Where We Land is hitting me real hard right now.
my new Daybook of Dreams journal. I repurposed an old altered book art journal recently to create something I like to call a Daybook of Dreams. A Daybook of Dreams is basically a commonplace book. I’m using this place to collect inspiration and manifest my hopes and dreams. So lots of images that bring me joy, quotes I’ve collected from my readings that have personally resonated with me, and my own personal thoughts on things I want more of in my life. It’s a positivity commonplace book! I want to flip through these pages in the end and have them radiate joy!

L Camille
Hi! I am sorry you are going through a rough time – life is that way…a lot. Our pastor always says, “Suffering is normal, and God is good.” I hated the suffering part when I first heard it, but it is true if you look at life and the world in general. Suffering is not going away, but there is joy and goodness to be found. Not sure how you stand on your beliefs, but know I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You have a beautiful blog and website!! Your art radiates joy!
<3 L Camille