Now, I’m not one to plan my goals–or even have goals–for a new year. I never took it seriously and to be quite honest, I still don’t take new year goals seriously. Because really, you should be able to set goals whenever you want. But that was never my problem with goals. My problem was that I never stuck to them. I’d make them and plan to stick to them but in the end I’d always fall short. Yet, since my life has been a bit chaotic as of late, I figured that I’d set a few things in motion in order to achieve some of the things that I want to achieve in the next year.
I recently added My Bucket List to my about page. Having come back home from my recent trip abroad, I realized that there are a lot more places and things that I want to do with my life that I had initially realized. What better way to get everything all down than to write up a list. I am determined to keep this list and update it whenever there’s something new I want to try or do and whenever I’ve actually completed something. I feel like this list gives me an overview of what some of my goals will be in the future. But I have decided to have a set 2015 goals list as well, just taking a few of what I want to do, one at a time.
- Try to focus on my music. Honestly, I think I only mentioned my music just once on this blog, but it’s been something I’ve been working on for a while now. And recently, I’ve been a bit more confident in it, having written a handful of new songs that I’m really proud of. There are some songs that I need to rework, but I’m hoping to have a good album of songs by the end of the year. That’s just one of the many goals I have in regards to my music:
- Goals:
- Record new songs
- Make a few music videos
- Start playing at an open mics
- Define style/identity/brand
- Go viral (seriously)
- Goals:
- Go to Southeast Asia. I’m already planning my next trip and it’s been driving me just a little bit crazy. I want to hit Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, then maybe make a trip to and around Australia. But as I do more and more research, there’s just more and more things that I want to see in Asia than I had initially listed. That, and it’s so overwhelming trying to plan it on your own without doing a group tour or anything. I have a few friends interested in going with me this time, which is another things (along with funds) to consider when planning.
- Goals:
- Keep duration of trip within two months (October and November 2015)
- Keep within $5000 budget
- Try to visit as many places as possible
- Goals:
- Save Save Save! Seriously, right now I’m working three different jobs: I’m an assistant to two attorneys, a part time babysitter and I just started working at Paper Source, a stationery store with an emphasis on crafts. The idea for getting the Paper Source job was to save money quicker for my SEA trip, but I’ve got a little paper addiction that is very hard to keep at bay. Luckily, I haven’t used my employee discount for anything (only because I can find some products online for much cheaper), but I still have urges to buy things that currently I have about six shopping carts filled on site different stores, all of which I haven’t checked out yet because realistically, I don’t need any of the stuff, but it’s all just so pretty that I want it. And all of the Black Friday sales aren’t helping very much.
- Then I just have a few reoccurring goals I would like to keep at as well:
- Goals:
- Read more, watch less TV
- Write more, whatever it is even if it’s bad
- Be more open and honest to people
- Learn to say “no”
- Be brave
- Goals:
And probably the biggest goal of all is to keep up with all of these goals (how few they are). That is the real challenge. Do you set new year goals?