If you may have noticed, but I completely missed March’s favorites. There was just A LOT going on then and while things haven’t really settled yet, I’m in a much better headspace to remember these things.
April’s got an odd mixture of favorites. I’ve been thinking and scheming and trying new things. Which is good, right? Anyway, here are a few things I’m currently enjoying for this month:

Kika’s Instagram page, Kutovakika. I’ve been wanting to do a creative self portrait challenge for a while now, and now that I have plenty of time to scheme up some new projects, I’ve been on the hunt for inspiration. Kika’s creative self portraits are just stunning! I love her Youtube channel as well. I might actually try out a few of her go-to ideas to get my creative juices flowing.
with Animal Crossing. But what millennial isn’t these days? It’s been such a lifesaver when it comes to managing my anxiety. It’s a very slow going sort of game. I’m basically building up a small island from nothing to a thriving little town of my dreams. And all of my villagers are cute little animals. My real life friends even get to hangout on each other’s islands, so we’ve been having nightly parties. I was never in my life a gamer, but this game is super cute and quite lovely.

the most scrapbooking projects I’ve ever created in a while. I attribute that to being on the Felicity Jane creative team. I haven’t shared a few of them yet, but I can’t wait to! Also been meaning to share my new Daybook of Dreams. Not sure if that’s what I’ll be calling it moving forward, but for the time being, I haven’t got a better name. It’s basically a commonplace book of all of my favorite things. Just a little place of things that I love. My inspirations and little joy notes.