I have seriously fallen off the reading bandwagon. In 2014 I read a total of 15 books…which isn’t that bad (I actually had to check my reading log for that number and I swear I thought I did much worse). But it could be better. I remember the days when I would read over 100 books a year! What happened to that girl?
One of my intentions for this new year is to read read read. So I’m setting a challenge for myself to read at least 25 books this year. I’ve already hand picked the books I’m going to read too. All of them are from my bookshelf and most of them are past BookExpo books that I got but never read (and I got A LOT of books from both years I volunteered at BookExpo that I have yet to read). I figure I should make a dent in my book collection before I begin to add even more books to it come May. I think 25 is a good number. That’s about two books a month, with one month adding a third. I haven’t started a book yet for January so I’m already behind.
So without further ado, here’s my reading list for 2015: * designates a BookExpo book

- The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
- *Angel Killer by Andrew Mayne
- The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
- Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
- *Burn for Burn by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian
- *The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose

- *The Diviners by Libba Bray
- *Drawing Amanda by Stephanie Feuer
- Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
- Eldest by Christopher Paolini
- *Falling into Place by Amy Zhang
- *How to Love by Katie Cotugno

- *Life by Committee by Corey Ann Haydu
- Love & Misadventures by Lang Leav
- *Love Is The Drug by Alaya Dawn Johnson
- *The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
- Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

- *Rock Angel by Jeanne Bogino
- *Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton
- *Sublime by Christina Lauren
- *The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor
- You Are Here by Jennifer E. Smith
- *We Should Hang Out Sometime by Josh Sunquist

- Wildwood by Colin Meloy
Megan F
I love Wildwood – and these photos are so lovely
Tiffany Julia
Megan FThanks! It looks good; can’t wait to read it!
Chiara Pannozzo (@wine_and_olives)
I’ve just discovered your blog Tiffany and it’s beautiful! I’m hoping to read a lot more this year too. I’m reading Mrs Hemingway at the moment, but Some Quiet Place is next on my list :-)
Tiffany Julia
Chiara Pannozzo (@wine_and_olives)Thank you! And Some Quiet Place was one of those books I picked up last year and started to read but for some reason stopped. I think it was because it took a bit to get into for me and I lost interest. I have it marked where I left off and everything. I was terrible at reading in 2014. I just wanted to watch television. Instant gratification, you know? I’m hoping to pick it right back up right after I finish the current book I’m reading though. Here’s to reading more in 2015! :)