So, I came across this DIY Doily Dreamcatcher on Pinterest awhile ago and saved it in the event that one day I would actually get around to making it. This past weekend, I went to Michaels to get some supplies, because I actually set my mind on making one! Good thing about Michaels is that they usually have everything I need to make whatever it is that I want to make. I already had feathers, embroidery string and beads, so there wasn’t much that I actually need. I only really needed some yarn, a bit of suede, a crocheted doily and the ring to actually make the dreamcatcher. Michaels had all those things, expect a crocheted doily.
Not wanting to buy doilies online and the having to wait for them to get to me, I went back to the knitting section and got me some cotton crocheting string and the right size hook, and looked through a book about crocheting. I only skimmed the book to get a feel of what the sizes of everything meant and once I concluded that “crocheting was easy,” I bought everything and went home, determined to crochet my own doilies.
If I learned anything through all of this is was never to assume anything is easy.
Crocheting is hard. That first night, I looked up videos on Youtube on how to make a doily and tried to follow along, but I couldn’t get pass the first part of it. I gave up and went to bed, almost certain that I will just have to purchase these doilies I found and bookmarked on Etsy. But when I woke up the next day, I readied myself and attempted to try again. This time, I paused the video and replayed parts, studying every stitch and every way the woman moved her hook. In about an hour, I had the first bit of my doily done! I followed along, even downloaded some beginner crocheting books, and before long I had my very own crocheted doily!
I was so happy, I rushed to make my dreamcatcher. Once the first one was done, I hung it up in my room then went back to crochet another doily, so that I could make another dreamcatcher.
I’m actually kind of hooked onto this crocheting thing, no pun intended. It seems sort of easy now that I know what a treble stitch is and everything. Course, I don’t think I’ll be making crocheted slippers anytime soon, but a scarf is definitely not out of the question (neither is a crocheted bra top. you have no idea how bad I would love to make one of those).
If there’s something I learned about myself through all of this is that if I set my mind to making something, I’ll definitely learn what it is that I needed to in order to make it. I taught myself how to crochet in just a few hours. I’m no wiz at it, but I will say, I’m pretty darn good at making doilies, especially my first time around.
have you learned to making anything recently? I’m always looking for some new DIYs, so I’d love to see!

Nice dreamcatcher!
By the way may I have the pattern of the doily that you made here?
Tiffany Julia
lindaThanks! and I followed this video to make them: http://youtu.be/vzDQaPPZ4rw, as it was my very first time ever crocheting. I may have tweaked the pattern somehow towards the end, but that’s mainly what I followed.
Tiffany JuliaThank you very much! :)