Dear Books,
One of my favorite things to do in the world is to find a comfy spot and curl up with a good book in my hands and read. I haven’t done that in quite awhile as I haven’t set time aside to read a new book, but it’s something I terribly miss and really should make time for. For me, reading is a way to escape my real life and so I guess my life doesn’t really need much escaping at the moment.
Books, you hold words, which in turn tell stories, and stories written down on paper excite my imagination. Reading is like watching a movie in my head. The author has created the characters, the world and the plot, but leaves us the reader the rare opportunity to bring these things to life. The amazing part is that we each imagine the same story differently. No two books are alike, even if it’s written by the same author and has the same title, and that’s amazing.
sincerely yours, T

Unravelling my thoughts and revelations that I have found out about myself and my life by looking deeper at the world around me. Inspired by Susannah Conway’s Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself e-course and her book This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart.