The beginning of September, my family and I took a trip to Disney World in Orlando, FL. I knew before we even arrived in Orlando that I wanted to make a mini album of our trip. For week leading up to our trip, I searched on Pinterest and YouTube for some “Disney Mini Album” inspiration. I browsed a lot of photos and watched a lot of videos, but the only one that stuck out was a video by Andrea Bethke from Lifeasafairytale.com. I had never seen Andrea’s work before and after watching her two part video on her Disney Days album, I was simply hooked. I absolutely love her style and her light girly color schemes that she tends to use in her projects are right up my alley. Yet, the main reason why I was so drawn and inspired by her Disney album was because she didn’t use the traditional “Disney colors.” You know, the red, yellow, white and blacks of Mickey Mouse. I knew going in that I didn’t want to use those colors in my album. I wanted it to be bright, light and fun, yet still feel like Disney.
Anyway, with an idea now of what I wanted to do and how I wanted my album to look, I settled on using my Felicity Jane Next Stop kit. I thought the kit was perfect for this album because it was a travel kit and the colors did remind me a lot of Mickey Mouse and those traditional Disney colors without it screaming Disney. So I ended up repurposing a mini binder, painting the entire thing white and decorating the cover using Andrea’s tutorial, yet with my Felicity Jane kit. I also pulled a few bits from my stash that I thought went well with the kit, especially a few more pieces of paper, because I had a feeling the papers in the kit weren’t going to be enough. All in all, I think the album came together quick nicely!

Here are just a few photos from the mini book. Definitely go check it out in my gallery here because there are a lot more photos! Below is a little flip through video of the entire album. I hope you enjoy!