Hello lovelies.
I managed to sit down at my desk the other day and work in my little scrap therapy book. I’ve been feeling much better these last few days and I honestly credit hours playing Animal Crossing for that.
Now, I should preface and say that I do not play video games. It is not my thing; I was never into. But all of my friends–and these are friends I’ve know for over 10 years–are very much into video games and always have been. We’re on a group Whatsapp chat, and since this game came out last week, that is all they’ve been doing while in quarantine. So, I commandeered my brother’s Switch (to be fair, he never uses the thing) and downloaded the game to see what it was all about.
And y’all…I may be slightly addicted to it. It is the cutest escape from all of this Covid19 stuff and I can’t even begin to tell you how much it’s done to calm my anxiety. I no longer feel tense around my shoulders. I feel okay. That said though, I need to be mindful not to play too much. I can literally spend days just playing this game. So the other night, I took a break to craft.

I decided to do this spread in my scrap therapy book documenting some blossoms from last year because I won’t be able to see them this year. I took these lovely photos of the cherry blossom trees in Central Park back in April 2019 and was hoping to go back this year and do the same. But I’m terribly scared of going outside and this is so nonessential that I won’t even risk it, even if it’s about half hour walk away. The situation is so bad here in New York City, so I’m not even going to risk it.
So, I’ll just marvel at the photos from last year and document why I can’t go visit the ones that have bloomed this year.

I’m actually quite pleased at how this spread turned out. It is very pink and awfully cheerful considering the situation. But I think I kind of wanted it to be that way.
Anyway, I managed to film a video. It’s a bit chatty in the beginning because I go over a few things I’ve been working on, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.