Dear Intuition,
Wow, you are absolutely great. I honestly don’t think you know how great you are, but trust me, you’re amazing. What magic you posses! When I listen to you and when I trust you, you never steer me wrong. You are always right, and while no one is always right, you are and that’s magical.
I’ve learned to listen to you, Intuition. I mean, I’ve always took into account what you had to say, but now that I’m older and a little less naive, I listen to you more. My gut feeling is always correct and I’ve learned that if I try to fight it, nothing goes right. Actions seem out of place; words seem inorganic. When I try to deviate away from you, the universe is always there telling me that you were right. As hard as I try to deny you, there’s always an equal force there at work trying to guide me back to you.
So I accept. I accept that little voice in my head that relays the information accumulating in the pit of my stomach. I trust in the feelings even if I wish to dismiss or ignore them, because deep down I know that you know what is best for me. I’m thankful and blessed that I have you and that I’m consciously aware of your presence in my life because some people will never posses you like I do. Some people will never feel that instant knowing. And that’s unfortunate.
So thank you, Intuition, for guiding me through life all these years. Thank you for all the wonderful people you have let me accept into my life and thank you for all the decisions you have helped me make. We have quite the long road ahead and I know deep down that if I continue to nurture you and listen to you and trust you, we will do great things, meet great people and experience once-in-a-lifetime dreams.
Stay with me, Intuition, for as long as you can.
sincerely yours, T

Unravelling my thoughts and revelations that I have found out about myself and my life by looking deeper at the world around me. Inspired by Susannah Conway’s Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself e-course and her book This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart.
Hello Tiffany! Found you through your YouTube videos, which I love! I just adore this post – intuition has been very important in my life as well and I (try to) let it be the loudest voice I hear. Thanks for sharing! -Ashton
Tiffany Julia
AshtonHi Ashton! Thank you! How coincidental, I was just looking at your site because I saw your booth in Alexis’ (Miss Trenchcoat) Atlanta Planner Con video and it was just so lovely that I had to check out your shop! How life happens like that! :)
Tiffany JuliaOh, lovely! And on a post about intuition, too… Too funny! Thanks for checking out my shop <3