Here are just a few spreads from my Summer of Love art journal. I don’t think I have many favorites from this art journal, only because I’m a complete novice at it. These pages, while they are pretty, show that I didn’t really do much with the magazine images than I could have. Then again, I’m still trying to understand what’s the best way for me to journal. I suppose I could experiment more, but I just have to put in the time. That, and I think my supplies are very limited. I don’t have much that inspire me to do anything, so I suppose a trip to Michaels is in order.
I’m also realizing that I really need to organize my supplies in general. I don’t really have a set area where I work. I’m all over the place and thus my stuff is everywhere. I need to buy a chair for my desk and some sort of organization rack for all of my supplies, so they aren’t piled in boxes. A lot of craft bloggers I read seem to have some sort of system and I feel that adds to their creativeness. I know that if I have a set area where I can create, I’ll have more of an incentive to actually dream and explore techniques and ideas that I’ve wanted to for the longest.
In my Summer of Love class, Kara gave us a prompt where we explore the themes or reoccurring elements in our journals. I found mine to be liberating; to dream, wander and explore. These ideas are all over the pages of my art journal and I suppose it’s because I have the intense urge to wander and explore. The dreaming comes easy for me, but to actually let go and explore, not only myself but the world, doesn’t come so easily. But I’d love to do that with my art. I like trying out new techniques and seeing how they work for me. Lately, I’ve been able to do this with my writing, but when it comes to art journal–or paper crafts in general–I just haven’t seem to find a way to approach it. I suppose that goes down on my short list of things to of accomplish, hopefully before the summer is out.