I just want to start by saying that I have written this year off back in late April as “The Blip.” Plans I had are completely dead now (ie international travel) and well, I really didn’t plan on anything else really than that. I did want to do some smaller daytrips and spend as much time outside this summer, but that too doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. Not to be a complete pessimist, but I have an awful inkling the summer months are going to give people a false sense of security when it comes to this virus and we may–esp. in NYC–see it back in the fall. In the meantime, it also doesn’t seem like I’m going back to work in an office for the foreseeable future, so hello home office! With all this said, I thought about my yearly scrapbook recently and how exactly I was going to keep it now that I don’t see myself leaving my house for the rest of year.

One of my intentions was to go back to a 12×12 format and do monthly Project Life spreads with layouts mixed in. But if I’m completely honest, if I don’t leave my house, I don’t take any photos. It’s simple as that. I’m terrible at simply documenting the everyday. I enjoy documenting events and trips; just general things I go out to do. Everyday for me is too mundane. I literally do the same things or nothing at all worth documenting.
So I’ve decide to go small. Luckily for me, I never really started my 12×12 PL spreads for the year, so I’ve been slowly getting those photos down into my new 6×8 album I’ll be keeping from here on out. I’m using my Felicity Jane* Note to Self binder and my intention is to keep it like a hybrid PL/scraptherapy book. So pocket pages mixed with layouts, mixed with whatever else I want to add into it. I feel like this approach will work out well because like I said, I don’t anticipate a lot of scrapbook worthy things happening in my life for the rest of the year.

I started by creating a few pages that documented my trip to Paris in January. These were the photos I already had printed for a 12×12 pocket page, so I used them the best I could. I only say that because I had printed them off with the idea of creating said pocket page. But now that I’m working smaller, it’s a bit tricky to use the photos I’ve already printed as they aren’t sized particularly well for 6×8. But I totally made do. I used left over pieces from the Felicity Jane Grace and Hope kits on these pages.

I love the mixture of pocket pages and layouts for this album. I’m really hoping I can keep up with it. While these pages are particularly my favorite, I enjoyed how they came together and I’m happy they’ve been documented and added to this little book.
I’ve got a quick process video sharing how a few of these pages came together. I hope you enjoy.